Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Gussied Toilet Tank

Let's talk about the toilet tank, shall we?  Since I have already welcomed you into our master bathroom a few too many times, I figured why not once more?  There was the DIY stereo, the bathroom stripes and now the toilet tank! 

Are you someone who tops the toilet tank?  I think that's a girl thing for sure.  You can be certain Boo did not have anything on his before I moved in.  

Anyway, we I decided it would be nice to use the tank as a display!  Enter: another DIY project. 

What you'll need:
1 candle
2 jars 
1 tray to display your items*

*I bought our tray at Pottery Barn, because I had a gift card there, and I decided the money was better spent on this tray than $25 off a $4,000 couch. Do you agree?  These trays (or similar ones) are available at Homegoods and the like.

1. Similar to the candle to vases method, soak a glass jar in warm soapy water until the labels can be easily removed, wash and dry well
2. Fill glass jars with items you frequently use (in our case, cotton balls and q-tips)
3. Collect all items (candle and jars) on tray and place on toilet tank
4. Admire your prettified bathroom

Here's where we started:

And here's where we ended:

You can see our hurricane-turned-toilet paper holder in the bottom left of this photo - that's a Young House Love trick:

What do you think of our addition?  Do you like it?

The Future Mrs. Wolf


  1. So pretty :) I would totally do this except I hate dusting!

    1. yes, that is a good point. have you tried the stocking method? running a stocking over the candle quickly removes any dust!
