Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Evening with Young House Love

...well sort of.  If you consider me waiting in line for 1.5 hours then having my book signed by the duo, then yes (!!), I spent the evening with Young House Love.  

Sherry and John are on a book tour and their original NYC date happened to coincide with Hurricane Sandy, so obviously it was cancelled.  It was rescheduled for tonight (yippee!), and a friend from high school and I decided to go together.   

At each of the other events, the lines were out the door and around the corner, so I offered to arrive early (5 p.m. for a 6:30 p.m. event) and wait in line.  To my astonishment, I was the first one there!  I awkwardly loitered for a couple of minutes until I saw some other girls doing the same.  After a few minutes we started chatting and quickly passed the time.  It was so fun!  We chatted blogs/DIY/spray paint (!!) and everything in between.  Then, I got my book signed...and Sherry commented on my fur "come on over, girl with the animal on!"   

The line before we were allowed into the store:

The line waiting to have books signed:

My requisite stalker-shot of these two:

Here we know, hanging out:

There was wine and seltzer and popcorn:

And now...on to dinner!  We went to Ushiwakamaru, which was excellent. 

We both started with a seaweed salad made from four different kinds of seaweed:

Which I followed up with six pieces of salmon sashimi:

My friend had various sashimi: salmon,  scallop and sea urchin (the edible kind, not my version). 

Do you read Young House Love?  What are your favorite blogs?

The Future Mrs. Wolf


  1. YHL is one of my favs! It was great meeting you last night. Happy Blogging and {in the words of Sherry} DIYing!
