Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Say Yes To The Dress

OMG I love Kleinfeld's.  Seriously.  If you are getting married, call them now.  You always hear horror stories about girls who have a miserable dress-shopping experience, but I cannot say enough about the service and professionalism at Kleinfeld's.

I had been shopping a few weeks earlier at Amsale and Gabriella with my mum, my aunt and my sister, and I found dressed I liked.  In fact, I thought I had found the one at Gabriella.  Until I met Lisa at Kleinfeld's.  OMG she is my new BFF.  Literally I think I complimented everything she was wearing, her hairstyle, her nail polish, her boots...she was so cool!  And she also told me I have narrow hips.  So, she really could do no wrong.  

Thanks to my aunt who suggested I try some alternative styles, I told Lisa I wanted to try on a few "different" dresses.  After explaining what "different" means to me (because really -- how vague could I be?), Lisa was off!  Do you know Kleinfeld's has thousands of dresses?  Lisa told me if I didn't find anything I liked on the showroom's floor,  there are 2,000 additional dresses in the back and she would find me one I loved.  There is literally something for everyone at this shop.  Every.  Single.  Bride.  No joke.  From the wide-hipped, to the narrow-hipped like me (sorry, I couldn't resist - Gosh, I love Lisa....)

Anyway, I tried on 6 dresses, and debated for an eternity about two.  I just loved them both.  And Lisa let me deliberate for hours.  And hours.  I literally outstayed my welcome ten-fold.  But she wanted me to be happy, and I really appreciated that.  She introduced me to her assistant, Bai, who helped me through my selection.  There was no pressure, no rushing, no pushy salesgirls forcing me into a decision.  So I took the same two dresses on and off for three hours.  On and off.  On and off.  Have you ever tried on a wedding dress?  This is no easy feat.  These dresses are intense!  But, I got my cardio in (hello, wedding diet!!) - so it's all good.  I can already tell my arms are more toned.

Finally I made up my mind!  And because you're at Kleinfeld's, when you have found the dress of your dreams, your new BFF (for me, Lisa!) asked "Megan, are you saying yes to the dress?" and I said "Yes!" and then there was lots and lots of cheering.  It was really sweet.  These eruptions happened throughout our (long) Kleinfeld's visit.  Lots of happy brides!

After you make your final decision, each bride gets measured.  Joan (director of sales), measured me in the privacy of my room...and it really was my room, since I had spent so much time there!  I hope I'll have a perfectly fitted gown.  Paws crossed! 

I wish I could share more about my actual dress, but I can't risk Boo finding out any details.  To be honest, I don't fully subscribe to the whole "the groom can't see the bride's dress before the wedding", but alas...I have succumbed to social norms and peer pressure!  Drat!

After we made our selection, we were off to brunch!  Westville is right around the corner, but there was a wait, so we went for a drink at Pound and Ounces until our table was ready.   

Bloody Mary for me:

At Westville, my mum and I shared two dishes --

Kale salad with avocado, Parmesan and two poached eggs:

And a market plate: Indian spiced chickpeas, mozzarella, tomato and basil salad, roasted butternut squash and beets with goat cheese:

When I reflect back on my whirlwind shopping trip (if you can call a 5-hour ordeal a "whirlwind"), my biggest tip for brides-to-be is:

Only bring people whose opinion you actually value.  Who wants to have unnecessary chatter during such serious business? Honestly, I couldn't have done this without my sister - she has such a great sense of style and was much calmer than I was throughout this whole process.  I kept claiming I needed an inhaler - anxiety!  But she thought things through logically, and really helped me with my decision.  And she watched as Lisa and Bai got me into the dresses.  Such a good maid of honor... thank you so much, Erica!

With that being said, I can't wait for you all to see my dress!  I really love it...

The Future Mrs. Wolf

p.s.: A huge thank you to my aunt who generously purchased my dress for me.  I'd be naked without you!  And of course a thank you to my sweet mum who cheered and cried (and cheered and cried!) throughout the whole wedding dress procurement process.


  1. I think you have narrow hips also! -Josh I.

  2. This sounds like such a great, special day!! P.S. - LOVE Westville and Bloody Marys :)
